
About admin

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So far admin has created 3 blog entries.
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Promo July 2016

2018-05-19T13:58:11+00:001 July 2016|News|

Promo juli 2016 Via deze weg willen wij u graag informeren over onze maandelijkse promoties. Om u alvast een voorsmaakje te geven, hebben we een beknopt overzicht gemaakt van de producten die deze maand in de kijker staan. Voor meer gedetailleerde informatie van onze promoties kan je via onderstaande link onze promo folder downloaden. BALC_JULI2016_ZP_WEB.pdf (4mb) [...]

Promo June 2016

2018-05-19T13:58:12+00:001 June 2016|News|

Promo juni 2016 We would like to inform you about our monthly promotions. Below we have made a brief overview of this month’s spotlights. Or download the complete promo brochure here. BALC_JUNI2016_WEB.pdf (3,6mb)

New website online

2018-05-19T13:58:12+00:0020 May 2016|Uncategorized|

With great pride we would like to introduce to you our brand new website! Thanks to the new and easy-to-use design, you will get a clear overview of the different products we can offer you. We would like to invite you to become acquainted with our full range of wrapped cookies, chocolate and so much [...]

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